Walton Arts Center

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Volunteer Appreciation Month: Ben Walworth

At Walton Arts Center, we truly depend on our volunteers on a daily basis – but especially on show days! They greet you when you walk in the door, help you get your ticket at  Will Call, scan your ticket when you go into the theater and help you find your seat. But that’s not all … they assist with educational programs, special events and with administrative tasks. We have a dedicated corps of volunteers that are involved in every aspect of what we do, providing thousands of hours of service each year.  

The show couldn’t go on without our volunteers. From all the staff at Walton Arts Center, THANK YOU to each and every volunteer.  

During April, Volunteer Appreciation Month, we will be highlighting a few of the amazing people who help make up our outstanding team of volunteers. 

Growing up in Branson, Mo., Ben Walworth’s family loved seeing shows, often driving down to Walton Arts Center to see the latest Broadway hit. Walworth started attending college at the University of Arkansas in August 2020, and with restrictions still in place, it was hard to connect with like-minded people. Now, as a junior marketing major, Walworth has been volunteering at Walton Arts Center for a few years, alongside getting involved in lots of activities on campus.  

“I instantly fell in love with the whole volunteer experience,” Walworth said. His favorite memory is working Hamilton in spring 2022 – he loved meeting different audiences each night.  

“It's really helpful as a college student to get to engage with people outside of the college setting,” he continued. “It has been really cool to get to know all of the volunteers. Lots of them graduated from the University of Arkansas, even from the school of business, and I have been able to get advice and different perspectives from them, all while working alongside them.”  

About volunteering, Walworth says “you should just do it! It is so flexible; you create your own schedule and there are tons of opportunities based on what you enjoy.” His favorite part about volunteering is how welcoming the staff and volunteer team are. 

Outside of volunteering, Walworth loves to read and visit art museums. He has been a lifelong fan of the arts. Walworth plays piano, saxophone and was a drum major during high school. 

If you want to be a part of the behind-the-scenes team that makes performing arts happen, or if you need volunteer hours for a student-run organization, volunteering at Walton Arts Center is a great way to get involved. For more information about volunteering, please visit waltonartscenter.org/volunteer.