10x10 Q&A with Socks in the Frying Pan

Socks in the Frying Pan

Socks in the Frying Pan

Coming up in our 10x10 Arts Series is Socks in the Frying Pan. This trio of musicians got their start playing gigs around Ireland and is comprised of Shane Hayes, Fiachra Hayes (they’re brothers!) and Aodán Coyne. Before their performance at Walton Arts Center on March 5, we caught up with Fiachra Hayes and Aodán Coyne to get their perspective on performing for US audiences, what to expect from their show and more!

10x10 Q&A with Fiachra Hayes and Aodán Coyne

1.    Describe what performing this music means to you.

It provides us with an opportunity to perform Irish music on a larger scale, taking it out of its natural habitat while still staying true to its core.

2.    What is one thing you miss the most about Ireland when traveling to share your music?


3.    What can audiences expect from your performance?

High energy and some terrible jokes.

4.    Pick 5 words that best describe your work.






5.    How do American audiences differ from Irish audiences?

Irish audiences can often be more reserved at the beginning of a performance depending on the setting. American audiences are often eager to participate when encouraged!

6.    What are some unique or memorable experiences you’ve had while traveling around the world to share your music?

We’ve been ice fishing in Michigan, dog sledding and walking on a glacier in Alaska and have hugged redwood trees in California! Those are just some of our American experiences!

7.    What message do you hope to send the world via your performance?

Music and art are the great communicators. Music is for everyone. There is not much more to it. Enjoy and be present with music.

8.    What is the best advice that you have been given?

Be sound.

9.    Whom do you define as visionary; and why?

Musically, performing in a manner that is seemingly new or entirely innovative for an instrument. I guess visionaries inspire for the greater good. Does Professor X from the X-MEN count?

10.  What songs, artists or genres of music are you currently listening to?

We recently attended the Folk Alliance Conference in New Orleans, which is a showcase and a performance platform for artists to pick up more gigs. It was hard not to be inspired from old school jazz in the city, so obviously that genre of music has been in our ears.

We have also been listening to many fantastic singer-songwriters who also performed at the conference such as Sierra Ferrell, Jefrey Martin and Mick Flannery.

Socks in the Frying Pan performs as part of the 10x10 Arts Series at 7pm on Thursday, March 5. You can get $10 tickets on our website. Don’t miss it!

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