Staff Recommendations: Shows for Families with Kids of All Ages

Sometimes when you look at the season listing for Walton Arts Center, it can be a bit overwhelming. There are so many shows, and they all look so good. We can help!

We’ve asked some of Walton Arts Center’s staff (the people in the know) to recommend their favorite shows or some of the performances they are most excited about in the new season. Here’s part 1 with recommendations for shows families with kids of all ages.

Shows for Families with Older Kids

Recommended for ages 10+

I am excited to bring my family to see Spamilton: An American Parody! It combines two of our favorite things: musical theater and comedy. Since we just saw Hamilton this past year, it’s the perfect follow-up show! But it’s not just for Hamilton fans - it’s full of Broadway references, parody songs and jokes. If you have teens and tweens who love theater and laughing, don’t miss this show.

Jill Suel, Sr. Director, Marketing and Sales

I am looking forward to taking my boys to see The New York Gilbert & Sullivan Players’ The Pirates of Penzance. This show is a can’t-miss classic for kids because it’s hilarious and includes lots of impressive songs with fast vocals, like “Modern Major General,” that they will appreciate. Plus, there are beautiful operatic moments. It just has it all! The movie version starring Kevin Kline Linda Ronstadt was one of my all-time favorites growing, up so this is a nostalgic one for me.  

The 10x10 Arts Series is a no-brainer for families because of the programming diversity and the price. For only $10 a ticket, you can expose your children to the classics, like The Pirates of Penzance, and also see concerts from a variety of genres and cultures (see: Aida Cuevas, LADAMA and Duwende) and cool modern performances like Visceral Dance Chicago - all in a single series.

Heather Holland, Creative Director

Shows for Families with Younger Kids

Photo by Darren Thomas

I'm looking forward to the Kellogg’s Kids Series shows because my kids will love them all, particularly Bluey’s Big Play, coming Dec. 20-21! We watch “Bluey” everyday on TV, and to see the characters live will light up their little faces. I can count on Bluey to show my kids creative play using imagination, how to deal with some big feelings and family fun. 

Sara Broome Jones, Learning Programs and Festivals Specialist

I’m very excited for Winnie The Pooh! I missed the show when it opened off-Broadway last year, but I am thrilled it’s touring the country. Those characters are ingrained in my childhood, and I can’t wait for my 2 year old to see it as his first live theatrical production. To see him connect with those characters who meant so much to me as a child (especially Tigger!) will be the ultimate reward. The puppetry looks terrific, and the storytelling will no doubt be wonderful. Adults will be able to rekindle their relationships with Pooh, Tigger, Rabbit and Eeyore, and kids will form new connections. For these to be live characters, as opposed to cartoons on a screen, is just the honey on top!

Curt Owens, Director of Programming

Purchase tickets for these others shows on our 2022-23 season now!