Director Rose Myers Gives Us An Inside Look at Bluey's Big Play

Bluey’s Big Play, presented as part of the Pringles Kids Series, takes the stage at Walton Arts Center Sept. 6-8 for four performances! It’s the perfect show to introduce your children to the world of theatre. Read more about what Bluey’s Big Play director, Rose Myers, has to say about the show. 

“There were lots of challenges working out how to realize an animation as a live show,” Myers explained when asked what it was like to direct the performance. “All the artists and producers that worked on the production recognize the level of artistry in the animation and the phenomenal caliber of Joe Brumm’s story telling.” 

Myers explained that their goal was to honor Brumm’s talents, so they opted for a live show using puppetry to execute the story-telling elements. The team uses large puppets for the characters, so naturally they employed a puppetry director, Jacob Williams, to help the puppets come to life.  

“I am driven to make stories come to life. I love the theatre as a place of communal experience and a place where we can unpack and celebrate the human experience,” explained Myers when asked what motivates him.  

Myers further emphasized the importance of young audiences in theater, saying that she loves a younger audience because of their naturally imaginative minds. “Also, the communal nature of theater is wonderful,” stressed Myers, “theater and imagination are very fundamental to our health as humans.”  

Bluey is a celebration of family and play, those fundamental things about life that we sometimes take for granted,” Myers explained when asked what people should know about Bluey’s Big Play. “The show is lots of fun for the whole family and a magical experience to share with the little people in your life.”  

Grab tickets while they last for this family fun-filled show, tickets start at $29 and are available now at, by calling 479.443.5600 weekdays 10 am until 5 pm or in-person at the Walton Arts Center Box Office weekdays 10 am until 2 pm. 

Show Dates & Times  

Friday, Sept. 6 at 6 pm  

Saturday, Sept. 7 at 11 am and 3 pm  

Sunday, Sept. 8 at 2 pm